People in Eau Claire are likely going to need to keep their masks, even if the city and county’s mask requirements go away.

Health Director Lieske Giese last night said the coronavirus numbers in the county are moving in the right direction. Both the city council and county board are set to meet tonight to decide if the mask mandate should stay in place. Giese last night said Eau Claire should likely continue to require masks at hospitals, schools, jails, the city bus, and any business that wants their customers to wear a mask. Giese said she’s not telling leaders what to do as she’s only making suggestions. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FROM LOCAL HEALTH LEADERS.
But across the state, the masks are coming off.

More mask mandates are going away across southeast Wisconsin. City leaders in Whitefish Bay and Shorewood yesterday ended their mask requirements for people who are fully vaccinated. Brookfield Schools also ended their mask requirement, starting today. More local governments and schools are expected to follow in the next couple of days. The CDC last week said people who are fully vaccinated are no longer required to wear their masks in most places.
When it comes to retailers, Kohl’s is the latest store to pull the plug on its mask mandate. The company yesterday said vaccinated shoppers no longer need to wear a mask in the store. It’s the same policy as Walmart and Target. Kohl’s has required face masks since last July.