The Wisconsin Association of Local Health Departments and Boards (WALHDAB), named its 2021 WALHDAB Awards
for Health Officer and Board of Health of the Year, respectively.
This recognition demonstrates nominees who showcase exemplary qualities in response to critical local public health needs. Janel Heinrich, Public Health Madison-Dane County, is named the 2021 Health Officer of the Year. One of the many nominators for this award shared this: “Janel’s leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic has been inspiring and has modeled evidence-informed decision-making for our state. She has been a great collaborator across local, regional and state government and has centered equity in her work.”

Here locally, you will recognize another name.
Eau Claire City-County Board of Health has been chosen as the 2021 Board of Health of the Year.
According to Lieske Giese, Eau Claire City-County Health Officer, “During the past year, the Board of Health has been particularly supportive of staff and leadership in the difficult work of pandemic response. As meetings shifted to web-based platforms, all board members leaned in hard to stay connected and show their caring for the work that the team was doing to protect the health of those that live, study, work, and play in Eau Claire.”