Chalk it Up to Community

Chalk it Up to Community

Eau Claire Healthy Communities Mental Health Action Team is excited to share a fun and exciting activity with the Eau Claire Community to promote Mental Health Awareness Month. The Mental Health Action Team is encouraging Eau Claire residents to chalk positive, encouraging notes on neighborhood sidewalks to promote positive mental health.

There is no cost to participate in this chalking activity, simply grab some chalk, find a sidewalk, and let your creativity run wild! Here are a few ideas of positive phrases that you could chalk: “I support Mental Health Month” “You Matter,” “You are not alone,” and many others. If you want to share your creation on social media, simply use the hashtag #HealthyEC in your post.

Need chalk? People can pick up free chalk at the United Way of the Greater Chippewa Valley (3603 N Hastings Way #200, Eau Claire, WI 54703) and The Community Table (320 Putnam St #1/2, Eau Claire, WI 54703) during business hours.

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