Webinar Series Designed to Up Your Brain Game

Webinar Series Designed to Up Your Brain Game

If you are looking for ways to stay sharp, look no further than your computer.

Sponsored by the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Eau Claire County and Dove HealthcareBetter Brain Fridays will provide attendees with an array of strategies to maximize brain health. Live webinar sessions are held every other Friday beginning May 7 through August 20, from 10:00-11:30AM. Registration is open to anyone with a desire to learn about brain health.

Several area professionals, including physicians, authors, a registered dietitian, and dementia specialist, have volunteered their time to present on a variety of topics associated with brain health, including causes of memory loss, mental health, assistive technology, sleep, trauma, and nutrition.

Registration is required for each session of this no-cost, live webinar series. For more information or to receive a detailed description of seminar topics, visit www.adrcevents.org or call 715-839-4735.

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