Making Sense of the Census Results

Making Sense of the Census Results

The number of members in the House of Representatives will stay the same after the U.S. population grew by just seven-point-four percent over the last decade.  The 2020 Census found that more than 331-million people are currently living in the U.S.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo called the census a “unique ritual.”  Acting Census Bureau Director Ron Jarmin says this population growth rate is the second slowest in U.S. history.  He said the most populated state in the U.S. is California, with over 39 million people, and Wyoming has the smallest population with 576-thousand people.

Acting Census Bureau Director Ron Jarman says there are more people living in the U.S. since the last census.

Jarmin noted states with the most and least population.

The Constitutional purpose of the census is congressional apportionment, or the process of distributing seats in the U.S. House of Representatives based on population.  Jarmin says seven seats in the House will shift among 13 different states.  Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina and Oregon will all gain one seat and Texas will gain two seats.  California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia will all lose one seat. 

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