Preparing to return to the classroom is the goal locally. Eau Claire Area Schools released the following statment outlining their plans for older students to return to in-person learning. See the full statement below:

Students in grades 6-12 will begin in-person learning four days per week in coming weeks.
School and District administration has determined that the Eau Claire Area School District will increase in-person learning from two days a week to four days a week for middle school students beginning April 26, 2021 and high school students beginning Monday, May 3, 2021.
The plan mirrors the current elementary model approved on February 24 and calls for grades 6-12 to begin learning in person Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday will remain a virtual learning day. The transition will double the amount of in-person learning time for students, from the current two days to four days per week.
“After the most recent CDC announcement and subsequent guidance from the Wisconsin DHS and Eau Claire City-County Health Department, School and District administration focused their attention on implementing increased in-person learning for students at our secondary levels,” said Michael Johnson, Superintendent. “We know that there is tremendous value for in-person classroom learning at all levels, and we are excited about the opportunity for secondary students.”
Class sizes will increase, affecting the District’s ability to consistently maintain three feet of physical distancing between students. Masks and other disease mitigation strategies will still be required of all students and staff in District schools.
Students currently enrolled in Cohort C will not be affected by the transition. They will continue to learn virtually unless their families request a move to a different cohort.