Today the Supreme Court in the case of Fabick v. Evers issued its opinion on the legality of Governor Evers to issue successive Emergency Orders in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In its decision the court ruled that Executive Orders #82, #90 and the current face covering order, #105 are unlawful and declared them to be void.
In February 2021, the City of Eau Claire and Eau Claire County each adopted a face covering ordinance that would go into effect if the face covering orders issued at the state level were vacated. Based on the decision of the Supreme Court these ordinances will now become effective immediately. These ordinances require any person who is age 5 or older, and who is located indoors or in an enclosed space, other than a private residence, to wear a face covering. Face coverings are strongly recommended in all other settings, including outdoors when it is not possible to maintain physical distancing.
These ordinances also require buildings with public access in the City of Eau Claire and Eau Claire County to post a notice that face coverings are required. These ordinances remain in effect until June 30, 2021 unless otherwise modified by the City Council or the County Board. Businesses that have already posted a notice requiring a face covering do not need to post an additional notice to be in compliance with these ordinances.
Masks are a proven way for limiting the spread of the virus, along with keeping 6 ft distance from people you do not live with, frequent hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes, ventilating indoor spaces, and staying home when sick.