On This Day…

On This Day…

Hello. Welcome to your last Saturday in March. (Wow!)

The weeks can sometimes feel long and stressful, so we like to start each weekend with a short and relaxing “scroll down memory lane.” It’s a quick peek back on events that are in the history pages on this day, all leading us to the new day ahead.

So, grab your favorite morning sippin’ drink and lets see what has happened on this day.

Today is Saturday, March 27th, the 87th day of the year.  There are 279 days until the end of the year.

On this day: 

In 1917, the Seattle Metropolitans became the first United States hockey team to win the Stanley Cup. 

In 1965, the Yardbirds replaced guitarist Eric Clapton with Jeff Beck. 

In 1973, Marlon Brando refused an Oscar for his performance in “The Godfather” as a gesture of support for the Indians occupying the Wounded Knee reservation in South Dakota.

In 1989, “Sports Illustrated” exposed Pete Rose’s gambling activities.  The eventual investigation led to Rose’s banishment from baseball.

In 1994, Magic Johnson returned to the Los Angeles Lakers as head coach and led them to a victory over Milwaukee.  Johnson coached the Lakers for the last 16 games of the 1993-94 season.

In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer-made drug Viagra, hailing it as a medical breakthrough for men who suffered from impotence.

In 2002, entertainment legend Milton Berle died.  “Mr. Television” entertained audiences for years on radio, television, stage and film.  Berle was 93.

In 2002, “Arthur” actor Dudley Moore died at the age of 66. 

In 2006, at his trial in Alexandria, Virginia, September 11th conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui testified that he was to fly a fifth airplane into the White House on September 11th, 2001 in a suicide mission along with shoe bomber Richard Reid.  Moussaoui also admitted he knew that two other aircraft were due to fly into the World Trade Center.

In 2009, long-time NBC News correspondent Irving R. Levine died at the age of 86. 

In 2010, cities around the world dimmed building lights to commemorate Earth Hour.

In 2016, Ivanka Trump gave birth to her third child with husband Jared Kushner.  The couple’s newborn son is named Theodore James, joining four-year-old Arabella Rose and two-year-old Joseph Frederick.  He’s former President Trump’s eighth grandchild. 

In 2020, former President Trump signed a two-point-two trillion dollar stimulus package.

And that brings us here to this day. So, whatever you have planned in the hours ahead, here’s hoping that your 3.27.2021 is one for your own personal record books.

Thanks for stopping by.

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