This is How We Roll

This is How We Roll
High winds and over four inches of snow accumulation made for a very wintery weekend.

 University of Wisconsin-Stout again has been named a Bike Friendly University.

The bronze level designation, one of six in Wisconsin, came from the League of American Bicyclists,. UW-Stout first received the designation in 2016. Nine signs around campus recognize the achievement.

The league recognizes universities, businesses and communities with platinum, gold, silver, or bronze designations. The city of Menomonie was designated a bronze level in 2014 and again in 2018.

Applicants are graded on infrastructure, programs, education and support for bicyclists. Thirty-eight schools earned or renewed the award in 2020, according to a recent  announcement from the League of American Bicyclists. The designation is renewable every four years. CLICK HERE TO GEAR UP FOR MORE DETAILS.

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