After investigation into a theft case, arrests have now been made in Barron County.

Over the past week the Barron County Sheriff’s Department has been working on a theft of a construction trailer with over $40,000 worth of equipment inside of it from an address in the Chetek area. On Friday, January, 8, 2021 the trailer was recovered but the contents were not.
Detectives from the Barron County Sheriff’s Department conducted interviews, which led to serving search warrants on three locations. On Monday, January 11, 2021 the Barron County Sheriff’s Department with the assistance of the Dunn County Sheriff’s Office served a search warrant at E 5973 1370th Ave near Ridgeland.
Sexton Thomas Haseltine
At this scene, 37 year old Zachary Sexton, was arrested and transported to the Barron County Jail. Later that evening, with the assistance of the Barron/Rusk Emergency Response Team, two search warrants were simultaneously served at 2342 7 th Avenue Chetek and on a trailer on 10th Avenue near 20th Street. Taken into custody was Quinlan Thomas, 56, of Chetek and he is being held in the Barron County Jail. A third suspect David Haseltine, 36, was not home and is on the run with several warrants for his arrest.
Zachary Sexton is being held on charges of Theft. Quinlan Thomas is being held on charges of Receiving Stolen Property, Possession of Meth, Possession of Steroids and Bail Jumping-3 counts. David Halestine is on the run and anyone with information on his location should contact the
Barron County Sheriff’s Department.
All the stolen equipment was recovered. This remains under investigation by the Barron County Sheriff’s Department.