Crews are boarding up the windows of the State House.

Officials at the Capitol in Madison are preparing for possible unrest in the days leading up to president-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. Capitals across the country are taking similar proactive measures as a precaution. All exterior ground-floor windows will be covered in anticipation of armed protests planned at state capitals from January 16th through at least the 20th.

The Wisconsin National Guard is once again being sent to protect the state Capitol. Governor Evers yesterday activated the guard ahead of potential protests at the Capitol in Madison. Yesterday, crews started boarding-up the Capitol’s first floor windows to prevent damage. The Wisconsin National Guard spent several weeks on stand-by during the summer because of BLM and other protests at the statehouse.

The search for answers as to how the U.S. Capitol was successfully stormed last week has descended into bureaucratic finger pointing and blame shifting. Mike Bower reports.