There will be a vote on a coronavirus relief package at the Wisconsin Capitol, whether that package becomes law is another question entirely.

Republicans in the legislature yesterday introduced their coronavirus relief plan as the first bill to be voted on this year. The Republican plan directs 100-million-dollars toward coronavirus costs and makes sure that seniors in the state don’t have to pay for a vaccine. But the plan also pushes to get kids back in school, give businesses in the state some protection from coronavirus lawsuits, and allows visitors to return to the state’s nursing homes. The plan is markedly different from the plans being offered by Governor Evers and legislative Democrats.
On the other side of the aisle, Wisconsin’s governor is trying again to get lawmakers in Madison to vote on his coronavirus package.

Governor Evers yesterday wrote a letter to lawmakers asking them to make his proposal the first thing they vote on. The Republican-controlled legislature has turned down the governor’s plan twice before, lawmakers say it has little to do with actually helping get the state back on track after the virus. There will be some kind of coronavirus relief vote, though. Both Republicans and Democrats at the Capitol have their own relief packages.