The Department of Health confirms 23-hundred-and-84 additional COVID-19 cases over the last day. The total number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic is nearing 475-thousand. There were 72 additional deaths reported today raising the death toll from COVID-19 to four-thousand-783.

A new COVID-19 vaccine data page is now available on a Department of Health Services website.
The page tracks the number of vaccines given and the number of vaccines shipped to the state. The first phase of inoculations now underway includes healthcare workers and nursing home residents and staff. So far the state has administered over 47-thousand doses of the coronavirus vaccine.

On the national level, a new and more contagious strain of coronavirus is now confirmed in the U.S. A young man in Colorado is said to be the first case. He’s now isolated as health officials conduct contact tracing.
The strain was discovered in the U.K., forcing much of England into a lockdown. It’s since been detected in at least 17 other countries. Scientists say it appears to spread faster but doesn’t make people sicker or more likely to die.