WI Requests More Vaccine Doses

WI Requests More Vaccine Doses

State officials including Governor Tony Evers ask the federal government for more COVID-19 vaccine. 

The amount of Pfizer’s vaccine the state was slated to receive, 48-thousand-seven-hundred doses is being reduced to 35-thousand.  State officials found out this Thursday.  Governor Evers said the news is “unacceptable” and that Wisconsonites deserve to get what they were promised.  Public health officials in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada and New Hampshire report the number of the initial doses they were to receive has also been curtailed.

The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine is getting a helping hand from the Wisconsin National Guard.

The troops are working in the distribution and inventory control processes.  Adjutant General Major General Paul Knapp says the Guard is  “proud to assist.”   Other agencies such as the Department of Health, Emergency Management and the State Patrol are also participating in the effort.

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