The nation’s total COVID case count is surging, adding a million cases in just five days. Mike Bower reports.

Here on the state level, Wisconsin’s coronavirus numbers are increasing, but the bigger picture in the state remains flat.
The state’s Department of Health Services yesterday reported just over four thousand new positives and 68 new deaths. But those numbers are part of a trend of leveling-off across the state. DHS says the state’s weekly-positivity-rate is back to 13 percent. The number of people in the hospital with the virus in Wisconsin is holding steady at about 15 hundred.

Locally, there is a push to mask-up.
A group of moms is trying to get Chippewa County leaders to approve a new mask mandate. The group, Women who Care, have a petition with over 100 signatures already. The group’s Ida Simonson says she doesn’t think that county leaders have heard enough from pro-maskers in the Chippewa Valley. She’s hoping to change that.
Simonson is a healthcare worker, and says she doesn’t feel safe in her community because others are not required to wear a face mask.