WI Coronavirus Deaths Hit Daily High, Holiday Travel Discouraged

WI Coronavirus Deaths Hit Daily High, Holiday Travel Discouraged

Wisconsin is reporting the largest number of coronavirus deaths since the state started tracking back in March.

The state’s Department of Health Services yesterday reported 104 deaths related to the virus. That is the most in a single day ever in Wisconsin. DHS’s numbers continue to show that it is mostly older people who are dying from the virus. DHS says just over 24 hundred of Wisconsin’s more than three thousand coronavirus deaths are among people who are 70-or-older.

When it comes to the holiday’s ahead, Governor Evers is once again pleading with people to keep their Thanksgiving celebrations small this year.

Evers and Health Secretary Andrea Palm yesterday used their news conference to warn people across the state about having a big crowd for dinner tomorrow. Palm said the coronavirus numbers in Wisconsin will only get worse if people get together with more than just their immediate families. Governor Evers said he is spending his Thanksgiving with just his wife this year. Both say a big Thanksgiving is risky this year. But that doesn’t seem to be affecting many people’s plans nationwide.

Triple-A is predicting as many as 50 million Americans traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday. Mark Mayfield fills us in.

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