Thousands of people are testing positive for the coronavirus each day in Wisconsin, but the state says the numbers are trending down.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services yesterday said there’s been a dip in positives in every age group since the first week of the month. DHS yesterday reported 66-hundred new positives and 83 new deaths. There are just over 21 hundred people in the hospital with the virus in Wisconsin, and there are 17 people at the alternative care facility at the state fairgrounds in West Allis.
Eau Claire County’s public health director says most of the people who have died from the coronavirus locally have died in the past month.
Health director Lieske Giese yesterday said 80 percent of the county’s deaths have occurred since the middle of October. The state’s Department of Health Services says 48 people have died in the county with or from the virus since March. Giese says the virus is putting a real strain on the county’s ability to care for people.