Presidential Debate Notes; President Trump Plans Return to WI

Presidential Debate Notes; President Trump Plans Return to WI

The final Presidential Debate aired last night. If you missed the full 90 minutes, click below for a recap.

Mark Mayfield brings us more on the Road To The White House:

In other notes from the stage, President Trump vowed to always protect people with pre-existing conditions, even if the Supreme Court repeals the Affordable Care Act. 

On the other side, Former VP Joe Biden pledged to strengthen Obamacare and he mocked Trump’s claims that the White House is poised to propose a better healthcare policy. 

The two men presented very different pictures of health care in last night’s final presidential debate.  Trump said his administration has done an incredible job with healthcare.  Biden said everyone should have a right to affordable health care and insisted Trump has accomplished nothing on healthcare.  

The debate turned to the ongoing Coronavirus Pandemic.

Joe Biden says the death toll proves Trump shouldn’t be elected.

When it came to border policies:

President Trump defended his border policies during last night’s final presidential debate.  Trump said the U.S.-Mexican border is more secure than it’s ever been. 

From across the aisle, Former Vice President Joe Biden slammed the Trump administration for separating immigrant children from their families at the border, saying it “violates every notion of who we are as a country.”  Trump harshly criticized the Obama-Biden administration’s record on illegal immigration. 

As the debate came to a close, both Trump and Biden took moments for their causes:

Trump says Biden will kill the economy.

Biden says he’ll represent everyone, not just Democrats.

When it comes to local attention we can expect wheels down on Air Force One again. President Trump is once again coming to southeast Wisconsin.

The President will rally with a crowd at the airport in Waukesha tomorrow night. The event is set to start at 7 p.m. The President also has rallies planned tomorrow in North Carolina and Ohio.

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