Gavel Drops, Crowd Limits Back on Tap

Gavel Drops, Crowd Limits Back on Tap

Bars and restaurants in Wisconsin are once again going to have to keep a count of their customers.

A judge yesterday reinstated Governor Evers’ order that limits bars, restaurants, supper clubs, and more stores in the state to just 25 percent of their capacity. The judge said the state’s Tavern League failed to prove the order actually hurt anyone’s business. Governor Evers yesterday said it is an important ruling that will keep people safe.

Behind the bench, it’s a Barron County judge who is at the center. Judge James Babler yesterday ruled the state’s Tavern League didn’t prove that the order has actually hurt their member businesses. Babler did ask for the Wisconsin Supreme Court to weigh-in. He says they need to decide the issue, not lower court judges.

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