Sex Offender Released to Fairchild

Sex Offender Released to Fairchild

The Fairchild Police Department was notified on October 08, 2020 that Sex Offender Richard Strand will be relocated into the Fairchild community at E28050 Pond Road in the Town of Fairchild. Since the notification, local police and sheriff’s officials have been working with the State of Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry on community notification and safety planning. 

Strand was ordered by an Eau Claire County court to be released from the Sand Ridge Secure Treatment facility. Strand has been committed to this facility for periods since 2000 and the State of Wisconsin prison system prior to that.

The Pond Road residence was found to meet statutory criteria for housing for him, and he will be placed there on or before November 6, 2020. 

Strand’s victims were minors from cases in 1987 and 1991. He is a life registrant and is on GPS Monitoring. He has an intensive supervision package that includes not being able to leave the interior of his residence without supervision for minimum  one year from placement, internet access, and to be made available for searches or random checks by law enforcement or the Department of Corrections at any time.

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