Many of us remember the story of a missing girl in Sawyer County, and breathed a collective sight of relief when she was found alive and safe with her dog, Peanut.
When a family is going through the trauma of locating a missing loved one, Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) is the group on the ground. They collaboratee with local, state and federal agencies to assist in the effort to bring that person home.
While there were 26 calls to the WEM duty officer reporting a missing person so far in 2020, this nearby case is one case that serves as a solid example of people and agencies working together to bring a loved one home.

Three-year-old Abby Ladwig went missing from her backyard Aug. 3 in Winter, Wisconsin, likely wandering off in bare feet shortly after 6:40 p.m. with the family dog, Peanut. Her mother, Lisa Koch, told authorities that Abby is shy and probably would not talk or call out for help if scared.
The call for state assistance came through the WEM duty officer, who immediately assisted with coordination of resources to support the mission. A duty officer is always available to respond to requests for assistance and help coordinate the response in the field. They send out emergency alerts that are delivered through text and email.
Now, we have more details about that rescue and can celebrate the story and return of Abby and Peanut.