WI Moves Forward Toward Statue Restoration

WI Moves Forward Toward Statue Restoration

The U.S. Interior Secretary announces a statue restoration grant during a visit to Madison. 

David Bernhardt was in Madison Friday where he stopped by the Wisconsin Historical Society.  Bernhardt discussed the federal government’s plan to help with the Society’s effort to restore two statues torn down this summer.  He announced that a total of 60-thousand dollars of federal funds are being allotted to help the society’s restoration of the Lady Forward statue and the Hans Christian Heg statue. 

They were taken down by a mob in June.

An there is an update on that case,   a suspect is charged in a case of statue destruction.  Yesterday WMSN reported that Marquan Clark is being accused of helping take down the Lady Forward statue and the Colonel Hans Christian Heg statue the night of June 23. 

Police were able to identify Clark using surveillance video that captured his image the night of the act of delinquency.  Clark had his first court date yesterday.


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