Chippewa Reports Rabid Bat

Chippewa Reports Rabid Bat

Chippewa County Department of Public Health would like to alert the public regarding a recent report of a bat testing positive for rabies in Chippewa County.

This bat was submitted for testing following an encounter with a human. This is the first rabid bat in the county this year. Last year, Chippewa County had two bats test positive.

Due to these reports, the public is advised of the following:
 Check your pet’s vaccination histories and update as necessary. Keep vaccine records and note
type of vaccine (one year or three year duration).
 Do not keep wild or exotic animals as pets.
 Do not handle wild animals.
 Teach your children not to approach strange animals, including others’ pets.
 If you or a family member get bitten or scratched, wash the wound immediately with liberal
amounts of soap and water, and report to your local physician, your local public health
department during business hours, or local law enforcement after hours.
 Any exposure (bite or non-bite) to bats should be discussed as soon as possible with your
physician or your local health department.
 If your pet has been in a fight with a wild animal, please contact your veterinarian and local
health department.

Animals reported with rabies in Wisconsin in the last ten years include skunks, bats, cows, dogs, cats, horses, foxes, and raccoons. Wild animals at particular risk, particularly skunks and bats, often expose domestic/farm
animals. Most exposures to humans or animals occur through a bite or scratch of a rabid animal. For more information regarding rabies in animals, please contact Chippewa County Department of Public
Health at 715-726-7900.

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