We are living another week of what is becoming our “new normal” and as we navigate the latest of the world pandemic, there is a lot (A LOT!) of information to digest, we will break it down from the larger (World) scope and work our way here to the Chippewa Valley and our own back yard and day to day lives. Trying to outline the basics and keep the information accurate, bite size, and easy to follow.
First of all, COVID19 is the name given to COronaVIrus Disease 2019, for the year that it was first detected. Now that we have that established we will look at the latest cliff notes.

WORLD: The UN is knocking President Trump’s decision to halt funding to the World Health Organization. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said funding for the W-H-O should not be cut while the world is fending off the coronavirus. Guterres said the UN organization is spearheading global efforts to deal with the virus.

The U.S. recorded its highest number of coronavirus deaths in a day on Tuesday. Johns Hopkins University said Tuesday’s death toll was just over 24-hundred, pushing the total number of U.S. deaths above 26-thousand. The rise in deaths comes after several days of a downward trend. U.S. health officials have said they believe the U.S. death rate is leveling off, but warned that a resurgence of the coronavirus is likely once Americans start leaving the house. Many state leaders are still seeing the number of cases climb in their states, and say it’s still too soon to start lifting any measures.

STATE: There are not nearly as many people being confirmed with the coronavirus in Wisconsin as just a few weeks ago. The state’s Department of Health Services yesterday said Wisconsin added 127 cases yesterday. That brings the state’s total up to three-thousand-555 confirmed cases. Some counties in Wisconsin have not seen a new coronavirus case in a week. Governor Tony Evers is saying that it may be a month before he lifts his Safer at Home order. Evers has said he wants to get the coronavirus under control before allowing people to go out and get back to work. He said it will take a few weeks, or a month before he’s in a position to know if that’s happened.
LOCAL: Eau Claire County is one of many Wisconsin counties that hasn’t seen a new coronavirus case in a week. The state’s Department of Health Services yesterday said Wisconsin is flattening the curve on the virus. Still, public health officials say they’re not sure if Wisconsin’s virus count has peaked.