Wisconsin has a second confirmed case of the coronavirus.
Doctors yesterday confirmed that a person in Pierce County in western Wisconsin tested positive for the virus. The state’s Department of Health Services said the person got sick while traveling in the United States. The state also said that 36 people in Wisconsin have tested negative for the coronavirus. The only other person to get sick with the virus, someone from Dane County, has fully recovered.

Meanwhile, in the name of prevention, kids in Osceola schools are getting the day at home as the school cleans-up out of fear of the coronavirus. School leaders yesterday said they are closing all schools today because someone who has tested positive for the virus attended a school event over the weekend. Osceola schools are not providing that many specifics about who and which school event. Cleaning crews will spend the day today scrubbing school buildings and trying to keep kids healthy.

Leaders at the University of Wisconsin’s main campus are urging students not to travel for spring break.
UW Madison leaders said students and faculty members who travel over the upcoming spring break are putting themselves at more risk of getting the coronavirus. The school said it is canceling all university-sponsored travel and is expanding the list of countries that it is putting off limits. UW Madison says students might want to consider staying in Dane County.