We now have more information about the status of Mistys Law.
UPDATE: 01/29/2020: SB469 was removed from the list of items to be heard. We will follow up with details when we get more information.
There will be a Public Hearing for ‘Misty’s Law’ on the Senate side at the Capitol on Wednesday JAN. 29TH at 12:00 noon in Room 425 Southwest. Misty was a dog who was beaten, and left for dead in a duffel bag and the movement for reform is in her honor.

The intent is to show elected officials that there is passion in people who demand tougher laws and penalties in cases of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect. Jeff Smith has been heavily involved in the cause for animal protection legislation on the Capital end.
Misty’s Law would push for stricter background checks and prohibits a person from conveying an animal to someone who has been convicted of a crime against and animal. It would also strengthen the punishments against someone who has been convicted of animal abuse and requires anyone convicted of animal abuse to pay for the cost of caring for that animal.
If you can’t make the date in Madison but would still like to help the cause, it’s easy. Just “PAWS” and take a minute to email committee members.
Ask them, “Please pass SB 469, to make causing grevious bodily harm or death to an animal a Class I felony, out of committee without amendment and on to the full Senate for a vote.”
Members of the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety are:
Senator Wangaard – Sen.Wanggaard@legis.wisconsin.gov
Senator Jacque – Sen.Jacque@legis.wisconsin.gov
Senator Darling – Sen.Darling@legis.wisconsin.gov
Senator Risser – Sen.Risser@legis.wisconsin.gov
Senator Taylor – Sen.Taylor@legis.wisconsin.gov