The Eau Claire County Highway Department announced a closure to be aware of. It will be located on CTH R approximately 0.5 miles south of CTH AF in the Town of Bridge Creek, and will be closed for reconstruction.
Work will commence this week and is slated to wrap up in the middle of August.

A detour will be marked on this project, the detour route will be on CTH G. The work consists of removing the old bridge, constructing a wider and longer new structure and reconstructing the approaches.

But that’s not all! After all, it IS construction season….

The other project to be aware of is located on CTH N approximately 0.1 miles east of Sandy Lane in the Town of Ludingtonwill. A detour will not be marked on this project due to the low volume of vehicles. The work consists of removing the old bridge, constructing a wider and longer new structure and reconstructing the approaches.

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